Returns & Exchanges

Thank you for your recent purchase from The Gang Enforcement Company, LLC. If you have a product you would like to return or exchange, we'd love to help! Please read the following guidelines then please Contact Support using the link below.


Products purchased from The Gang Enforcement Company, LLC may be returned for an exchange or store credit within 14 days of purchase. If applicable, all items must have their original tags attached and be unworn and unwashed.

If the item you’d like to return was ordered more than 14 days ago, the item is no longer for available for refund or if the item was purchased using store credit as part of a previous exchange, we cannot accept the return or issue a refund for any reason.

We do not offer refunds. All customers are responsible for postage fees on returns/exchanges.

Store credits are issued with a code that will be emailed to your email address associated with the order.


If you believe you received a product that is defective, we would like to extend our apology and make sure we take care of you immediately. Please submit a return request below and attach a photo of the defective product. Once we receive your return request, we will respond to your email and send you a prepaid shipping label so you can return the defective product. Once shipped, we will expedite a replacement item to you!


In the rare case that you receive a product that differs from what you ordered, we're sorry for the mix-up and want to make sure we get you the right item right away! Please submit a return request below and include the details (Style Name, Color, Size, etc.) for the product you incorrectly received. Please also attach a photo to expedite the process. Once your return request is received and responded to; we will send a prepaid shipping label so you can return the incorrect item (the item must be in the original form; unworn and unwashed). Once the package shows signs of shipment, we will expedite the correct item to you.


We do not accept any returns or exchanges on sale items or products to include those purchased at special/exclusive events, trainings, or conferences, unless the reason is for defective items. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Additionally, we occasionally like to thank our loyal customers by offering flash sales. In the case of a flash sale, we do not price match. Therefore, if you purchased an item at full price before a sale occurs, we unfortunately will not be able to refund you the difference.

Purchases made with Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts will not be eligible for returns, unless the reason is for defective items. We will allow size exchanges only, no store credit or refunds (item must be in its original form; unworn and unwashed).


***We want to get you taken care of as soon as possible so you can enjoy the products you ordered from us. We ask that you please be patient with us as we are handling your return requests and processing your return/exchange. Once packages are delivered to our HQ, it can take up to 5 business days to begin processing (depending on the current volume). Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding your return.***